Silopierdes, un sistema de identificación que permite localizar y recuperar objetos perdidos es un sistema que, a través de pequeños dispositivos, pone en contacto a quien encuentra un objeto perdido con su propietario. Es una creación de Rubén Corrales, un informático de El Bosque, un pequeño pueblo de la Sierra de Cádiz. La idea se le ocurrió por cierta experiencia: “Perdí las llaves de mi coche. Seguramente alguien las encontró y quiso dárselas al dueño, pero como no tenía forma de identificarme y de contactar conmigo,  no pudo”. A partir de aquella anécdota decidió desarrollar, un proyecto que ha contado con el apoyo de Minerva, el programa de impulso al emprendimiento tecnológico de Vodafone y Junta de Andalucía.



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1.060 thoughts on “Silopierdes, un sistema de identificación que permite localizar y recuperar objetos perdidos

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    It’s been an unhappy collision between a British television personality who refuses to assimilate — the only football he cares about is round and his lectures on guns were rife with contempt — and a CNN audience that is intrinsically provincial. After all, the people who tune into a cable news network are, by their nature, deeply interested in America. CNN is offered on most streaming services without cable. That means you have more ways to watch CNN cable-free. While fuboTV and Hulu Live are great options, you can also use any of the following services to get the CNN live stream online: The talks lasted for four and a half hours, state-run Ria news agency reported. TV Everywhere is accessible by viewers in the United States who are current subscribers to a partner cable or satellite TV service and have CNN as part of their channel package.

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    The Legacy is a re-birth of our hottest-selling tiny house, the “Vantage,” built for the everyday traveler. We have now added sleeping for 4 and a clean, beautiful design. It’s also our lightest unit to date, coming in at just under 10,000 pounds and 24ft long, allowing you to travel in style! Lindsay Wood, who runs a tiny-house consulting business and who worked with Jackson in designing her house, said she has seen prices increase drastically even in the past year. Wood said one to two years ago, a common 8-by-24-foot tiny house went for about $50,000. In 2021, it’s more like $65,000 to $75,000. The notion of becoming a homeowner seems so out of reach for many in today’s world, and for many millennials, the dream of being able to afford to buy their own home is as unrealistic as Darth Vader becoming the next President of the United States. But it’s not just graduates straight out of university who are feeling the pressure; people of all ages are either finding themselves without the funds to purchase a house of her own and are sick of forking out all of their hard earned cash on rent every month with nothing to show for it. Perhaps this is why there has been a rise in the number of affordable tiny homes on the market?

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    Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Maria Malkasian is also a courthouse facilitator. The Family Law Facilitator is not your attorney. There is no attorney-client relationship between you and the Family Law Facilitator. The facilitator is neutral and can help you and the other party (for example, your former spouse, the parent of your child, etc.). If you want help with your case strategy, you should consult with a private attorney for legal advice. Since you found this information useful… Dismiss alert Section 10015 requires the Judicial Council to create any necessary forms to advise the parties of the types of services provided, that there is no attorney-client relationship, that the family law facilitator is not responsible for the outcome of any case, that the family law facilitator does not represent any party and will not appear in court on the party’s behalf, and that the other party may also be receiving information and services from the family law facilitator.

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    David Diaz finished in 13th place in the World Series of Poker Main Event. But his deep run will be remembered for one hand in particular. Clark County approved new COVID-19 guidelines that should make the 2021 WSOP feel normal, even though it’s taking place in the fall instead of in its usual summer slot. The Rio just might be packed again for the 2021 World Series of Poker. (Image: Las Vegas Review-Journal) WSOP has quietly made changes to its online bracelet schedule for Pennsylvania and Michigan online poker players in a… Clark County approved new COVID-19 guidelines that should make the 2021 WSOP feel normal, even though it’s taking place in the fall instead of in its usual summer slot. One of the players at the table is Greg Raymer (aka “Fossilman” because of his fossil card protector and reptile glasses), the former attorney who won the whole thing in 2004.

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